What men think
Last Update : October 25, 2018 by Ava
Understanding the opposite sex is a good idea if you want to deal with intimate relationships in a relaxed way. As part of our seduction tips specifically aimed at women, we wanted to take a look at the results of a survey conducted by askmen.com, something that allowed us to see more clearly what men think about romantic relationships. Ladies, take a little time to read what follows if you want to understand your male counterpart better.

Men believe in love
The survey found that more than 75% of men believe in the concept of soulmates. Did you think that men were not great romantics? Well, in fact, they too have been struck by Cupid’s arrow. When it comes to matters of commitment, there is another surprise: more than 70% of men questioned by the site admitted that they had a favourable view of marriage, something which they considered to be an important institution.
As far as serious relationships are concerned, men look for women who possess meaningful qualities such as loyalty, intelligence and a sense of humour. According to the men surveyed, the perfect woman would be one who would be able to look after them, as well as having a gentle and caring personality.
The importance of sex in a relationship
Another finding, although this one is less surprising: men attach a lot of importance to sex within a relationship. 29% of them would like to make love to their partners more often. About 60% of them even say that they would be willing to end a relationship if they did not feel sexually satisfied.
Still on the subject of sex, men make do think of their wives when they make love, but a minority of them (23%, at any rate) focus primarily on their technique.
They like the idea of online dating
The survey also shows that morals are evolving, because about a third of respondents believe that the Internet can be a useful tool for socialising and almost 40% of them have already registered with a dating site. Men who avoid the web when searching for women are now less common: a boost for women who are hoping to find love online.
And they’re always a little jealous…
Single men looking for women prefer partners who are younger than themselves in 67% of cases, more intelligent in 90% and earning a good living. Men generally have quite a possessive nature, with few of them accepting that their partner should maintain links with her ex. As for dating, it appears that it is difficult for 64% of men to deal with women having male friends.