Our advice for singles
Last Update : October 25, 2018 by Ava
Living alone seems okay for certain people, like those who love a solo, uninterrupted TV marathon, want more room in the bed, need a no compromise salad-tofu-tuna. In short, there are single people who are very happy with the idea of being able to devote themselves to their own little lives. On the other hand, many suffer from loneliness and are plagued with a chronic sense of unease. They dread family gatherings or receiving gifts like ’Forty Ideas for One-person Recipes’ and hardly ever visit their friends who are couples anymore as seeing their joint happiness leads to too much jealousy. If that sounds like you, it is time to change your status and make your mom happy by ending her doubts that she will ever become a grandmother. To do this, just follow our dating advice on meeting the right person and becoming, finally, half of a real-life couple.

Take your love life in your own hands
First of all, you need to stop waiting for fate to send you a Prince Charming… when you are single, it is no good waiting passively for love to come along. The reality is the opposite of fairytales; to find love, you have to go looking for it! Get out, move, search – success in love belongs to those who go and find it! Whether it’s on a dating site, via social networks or through friends, leaving the single life involves going out and contacting others.
Dance clubs, for example, are an excellent way for singles to meet. There is the shared link of a common passion, with the added benefit of sensuality (depending on the type of dance) that may lead to a relationship.
Dancing as a couple is a great way to find out about the other person and discover if you have a natural affinity.
Also, don’t forget that women love men who know how to dance, making it a guaranteed asset in seduction!
Visit places where singles meet
Most major cities have their share of trendy bars that have an atmosphere designed to make it easy to meet up.
The best time to get there is not late at night but much earlier in the evening, when the ‘after-work’ crowd comes to relax after a hard day. This is a time when they will be more inclined to meet new people and chat about everything and anything, just for the pleasure of unwinding. If you are rather shy in nature, invite a few friends along to join you and head for pubs that have a quieter atmosphere with more lounge-type, open space where it is easier to hold a proper conversation.
Vary your networking opportunities
We all have our little habits, but sticking to them will not get us out of our single lives. To increase your chances, diversify the places that you go. Change the course of your daily jogging route and take the opportunity to get out to new places that you do not know. Many singles meetups are organised in major cities; do not avoid these as they are becoming more and more popular and include a much greater range of people than you would expect.
You probably have a friend or two who is also single; it’s time to combine your efforts to build your contacts and keep going in search of love. Getting out of your single state is definitely not down to fate but depends on the actions that you take. Dare to get out of your daily routine and you will skyrocket your chances of success!
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